Tuesday, July 6, 2010

football loser

I'm a loser by my friends' standards. Why? Simply because I've left this 2010 World Cup Football slip me by like a lazy summer day. Except I would have made more of an effort to enjoy the summer day. So, I'm a loser because though I know that Germany trashed England 4-1, I didn't stay glued to the idiot box chewing through my wrist in an effort to keep from throwing up.
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Now, don't mistake me I love football... and I followed it religiously up until the last World Cup when monsieur Zidane retired from the scene in 2006. But somehow... with all that's going on in the news... I almost feel like a hypocrite for watching a game on which millions of dollars are wasted. I know sports/art/culture cannot be on the same scale of comparison when talking about Genocide, child abuse, slaughter... sigh... you're right, I am a loser.

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