Tuesday, July 6, 2010

football loser

I'm a loser by my friends' standards. Why? Simply because I've left this 2010 World Cup Football slip me by like a lazy summer day. Except I would have made more of an effort to enjoy the summer day. So, I'm a loser because though I know that Germany trashed England 4-1, I didn't stay glued to the idiot box chewing through my wrist in an effort to keep from throwing up.
Enhanced by Zemanta
Now, don't mistake me I love football... and I followed it religiously up until the last World Cup when monsieur Zidane retired from the scene in 2006. But somehow... with all that's going on in the news... I almost feel like a hypocrite for watching a game on which millions of dollars are wasted. I know sports/art/culture cannot be on the same scale of comparison when talking about Genocide, child abuse, slaughter... sigh... you're right, I am a loser.

facing a writer's block or a black out!

so ideas keep dropping into my head like coins in a fountain. plink... oh that's a nice idea. plink plink... oohh that's a great idea. now i used to write quite profusely when i was in school... short stories, poetry, full length attempts at a novel.... but somehow somewhere that's all taken a backseat.
now by the time i put my pen to paper to sketch out an idea, i'm weary. yes, the very act of uncapping my pen, smoothing down a sheet of paper and thinking of writing tires me out.
i wonder how many writers have faced this moment. and i know the blame lies squarely with me... just the thought of writing scares me now. i suddenly think of a chore that has to be completed, trash that has to be taken out, a friend who has to be called...
i'm hoping to change that... but i know the change will happen when i really put my heart and mind to it.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

blog block

I'm back to blogging after eons! And I realize having a blog is like having a baby, you've got to grow with it, you've to feed it your words, nurture it in your thoughts, and clean it up every now and then. Here's hoping I manage to do all that and retain my sanity.