Friday, March 20, 2009

Ayurveda at your finger tips!

Disclaimer: I'm not a certified physician or doctor, just someone who prefers a natural and wholistic approach to small ailments. While I might drink honey and lemon with hot water every morning to detoxify, I would also check myself into a hospital ASAP if i'm suffering from acute stomach pain. Listed below are small remedies that my mother passed on to me, and ones I found to be very useful. On the plus side, there are no side-effects!

1. Drink two tall glasses of warm water first thing in the morning. It revs up your system and cleans out your bowels in less than half an hour. Adding a tbsp of lemon juice and honey is an excellent way to detoxify.
2. A spoonful of roasted ajjwain with a small glass of warm water is a quick cure for a bloated stomach, and or gas.
3. Tulsi tea helps ease a bad cough. Simply stew a handful of tulsi leaves in water, stir in some honey and sip.
4. Boiling cumin seeds and drinking the water helps speed up recovery from a cold.
5. A glass of milk with some pepper and honey in it helps chest congestion.
6. Boil a piece of ginger in water, strain, add lemon and honey to it to make a soothing tea for a bad throat.
7. This might sound really weird but it has worked for me every time! If suffering from constipation, in the morning on an empty stomach, swallow two tbsp of castor oil and follow it up with a little warm water. It works like magic.

... more to come later... so surf in again!

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